Road Works, an Opportunity to Create the Future While Improving the Present
Many events have been unfolding around the world in short period of time, with diverse and interrelated consequences in practically all areas of social and economic life of countries. COVID-19 impacts on road and transport sector are extensively described in numerous PIARC webinars since March 2020 as well as in PIARC report 2020BN03ES [1] and despite issues faced, overwhelmingly road networks have performed well due to their capillarity, resilience and professionalism of their staff and managers.
Information sheet
- Date: 2021
- Author(s): BLANCO SEGARRA José Manuel
- Domain(s): Risk Management / Project Management / Road Network Operations
- Type: RR390 - FEATURES
- PIARC Ref.: RR390-049
- Number of pages: 5
This article has been published in the Routes/Roads magazine